If I am Ip Man master, I would …
Posted by Taufulou | Labels: Credit Card Contest, Eon Bank, GSC Eon Credit Card, IP Man 2 | Posted On Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 12:16 AM
If I were IP man, would train with a few fellows of friends and bring back the Kung Fu world back to life in our modern world. Training ourselves by practicing art of balancing and ‘Heng Gung’ so to protect ourselves and jump off the roof here and there with there and when there is a scent of trouble, we protect ourself... !

I definitely wanna watch this movie at cinema *support*
walio do I get paid for this ad? I can be expenxive you know, lol!
Haha.. What kung fu stance is that? Dragon fist?
hope you win...
uli: me 2~
BBO: lol..not an ad..is just 2 win 2 movie passes only..:D
j: haha..no idea also me~ learning heng gung? cuz need to fly around on the roof so balancing is very important~
seon: thanks eh~
Wow! Bok can do Kung Fu eh!
like the pics
nice post
check mine here
Wah, geng ah! xD