It was my second day to be at H.K as excited on the first day, so we head to this Langham Place in the early morning. The time we have there is not much, so everything have to be in hurry. It was early when we reach there, so most of the shop have not open yet. Get to know that their retailing hours are around 10.30-11am. Then of course we head to have our breakfast. As we walk do not know where got nice food and ask one of the newspaper seller on the street that lead us back to Mong Kok. So had our breakfast at one of the
'Cha Chan Teng' located around there. After finish our breakfast, we hurried back to Langham Place as we only have 2 hours. The breakfast of course its veli good ah, as expected.

Why this shopping mall was because they had the longest indoor Escalator which is called
So the first thing first. A few of my friends telling me that not to miss the brand H & M which is very famous there and browse through the whole section. By just spending 30 mins here and I walked off and window shop for other things. With just limited time there is it was not free and easy day for us, but I can say that the brand H & M, it is the same range as TopShop but the clothes of the design there is much much much more nice than Topshop and the price is a bit cheaper. So save this shop for the 4th Day. Then walk fast fast to find the Escalator andd....

When I first saw the escalator, I was amazed how long it was yet I am abit phobia of like what if I take the escalator half way then it broke. It is like you take the 12inch long ruler that we always use in high school then break into 2. The feeling is something like that.
It is so express that connect from lvl 1-4 then 4-8 and 8-12. With just 3 rides, you already reach 12th floors instead of taking 12 times of escalator. The longest I have seen is only 2 floors but this is 4 floors escalator. We camwhore there a lot. While waiting for some people to shop and me and some of my friends were waiting there and just snap, snap, jump and jump, post and post.
The people around there is like watching free show as there are cafes like bucks, and other fast food outlets were watching at us, but who cares~! As long as we are satisfied with the pictures~

The second ride up bring us to this place,
‘The Spiral Stars Gallery’ which I do not know what is that, then only realize it when we saw this little peek hole.

Actually this whole 4 floors is equip with the 12 star scope. Find your star scope and peek into it. Not to see X factor but to read bout your star scope description.

After searching for the whole 4 floors found my star scope located at the 8th floor. Aquarius~
For those who like to shop at Bangsar outlets on the streets like Mooie and street shops, you would not want to miss the shop here from lvl 8-12 which there are a lot of nice and cheap girls clothing. What is in your mind you can get most of it. Every shop has its very own concept. Very nice design suits with the fashion that they are carrying.
I would personally recommend this mall, for the pricing and location and the food on the 12th floors which is the O-zone. For more details about shopping mall, please click

For the evening, our next destination is of course one of Hong Kong famous area which is The Peak. We take the MTR from our hotel to this Central’s MTR station exit on J2. Walk through the garden then you will see the Bank of China Building and The Cheong Kong Center. Just walk directly uphill then you will reach the The Peak tram station. It takes about 15 mins walk

You will see this building Bank of China which is one of the famous landmark here.

And of course to walk through this 2 building and head straight uphill.....

Till you see this place. When you saw this, means you are there, walk across the street opposite, as there will be the station of the Tram to The Peak. In Hong Kong, every where is all about tall buildings. Is the matter of tall or short.

Finally we reached there, after running from the bottom, as we were hurrying cuz behind schedule. Try to imagine, 32 ppl running on the streets like siau lang and keep shouting, cepat cepat!! Hurry hurry!! Kia liau..don take pic time.. The whole street from the station till here were all our voice and when we reached, most of the ppl were looking at us cuz we cross the road Malaysian and Indonesian style, which do not care about the traffic, just cross-lah~ when no cars.

The only thing that got shocked when we reach there was, there were like bloody lots of ppl lining up and the point we were lining saying that around 3 hours wait as I asked the guy there. SHIT!!! If 3 hours to go up there going to miss the light show on the peak as my friend mention, then there were 2 ppl promoting express lane. So we squeeze with this sardine pack of ppl to find the que as one of the girl that lead us there. We were like paying around HKD 180 for the ride.
Just do not care how much we have to pay, just want to get up there ASAP. By queuing like that for 3 hours, I think I am just going to faint whereby you can sweat.
REMEMBER, do not go to a place whereby it is also a public holiday for them. This will be the result.

The price list that available.

While you were waiting, of course you will be greeted by the very famous actor, Jackie Chan. He will be there to talk to you. A very nice and humble guy. You can talk to him, but a lot of people will just look at you by the though of, you siau si boh.. Actual fact, this is his was figure located just right beside the counter.

While you were waiting in this compact area, whereby there are another 5 lines in between, and the express lane which is the very left corner and you get to see the history of the Tram.

After 30 minutes, we manage to cross to second section and it was around 6.20pm and the crowd is still so huge waiting to go up. The people around me are so everywhere in the world. The family standing in front of me from Pakistan, then 1 next to me is from Japan, on my left was Hong Kee, behind me is of course Indonesian and ourself Malaysian. Every where around the globe is around me.

Not long after that, then the tram is cominggggg…So excited that soon going to be us in there.

The rail ways that lead us to The Peak.

On the way up, we were busy taking pictures here and there. The best part is to come, we were getting more excited through the mid of the rail ways then we started singing Rasa Sayang, laughing all the way, then Negarakuuuuu..and Indo national songs. Lol… We were the noisiest ppl on earth on that time and a lot of ppl were staring at us like Aliens with the though where are this alien from??? Then suddenly got called by the tram driver and he show me and my friend a sign card which ask us..Shhhhhh~~~ please be quiet!! Me and my friend were laughing out loud in our heart and smile all the way and show the sign shhhhh..Kena complain liau..better keep quiet.., if make him upset we have to walk all the way up.

On the way near to the peak, you can just be amazed how beautiful the scenery is that overlook Hong Kong from the tram with your eyes open wide and nearly popping out and cant sit still by just keep starring left and right.. Every 1 is just busy taking pictures of the view. Of course the best part is we are goin to reacchhhh~

When you reach, you will have to walk through this wall of paintings…Took us about 10-15 mins of tram ride.

Of course the best part of all, we directly rush up to the ‘Sky Terrace’ to take a good look of the view and the time was just perfect. Around 7.10pm

As told by my friends, the villa here cost a bomb. If you ever get to buy a house up here, means you are super bloody rich. To get a house there is only very cheap cheap la.. HKD30 mil at least, as what mention by my friend. A house that overlook the whole city. Surely a place to be dreamt off.

As I stroll to the back part of the main overview, this is what I get to see, a place that look over the sea. Its breath taking and like two world. One side you see a whole place loaded with buildings, and the other end you see some buildings only and the sun set there is just beautiful~

I see a bird?I see a plan? Noo… I just, trying to see how beautiful the scenery of Hong Kong view from the Peak at different time from left, to center and to the right.
The results:

This is taken when I first reach the Peak. It is around 7.10pm

Taken 7.20pm.

Taken around 7.35 pm of the left view

Taken around 7.35 pm of the right view~

Taken around 7.35 pm of the center view

and of course the best of all is the spectacular night view at 8pm.
Remarks: we use alot of efford to take care of this spot as the ppl around there is just alot. Every corner of this had been stand by ppl. We took turns to take care of this spot for around 45 minutes. Ppl just keep trying to push theirr way in.
Of course after our very own high, by wahhhhh’ing here and there even though some other tourist keep opening their eyes wide to see what are we pointing and figuring what is it all about, even there are ppl just pop their head in between me and my friend then ask me, what is there so great about, then I just give back plain answer, Nothing. Just for fun!

And of course we are heading to the famous ‘Madame Tussauds’ which can be know as house of wax. It is exactly like the movie with all the figures is so real, Skin tone and their look and height.

Trying to act like Jay Chou and ended up my friend ask me ‘Sau Peiiiii la!!!!!’

One of the famous couple on Hollywood that I hang out with that day.

Their second section is of course very interesting.....

I am the modern Hitler wanna be~

I thought Shakespeare how to write his poetry, giving him inspiration by going back to the past~

Ssspoiling the images by adding in some new modern Hollywood 3-D effect~

Told Tiger Woods, play la properly, I know I can win but please la.. wanna act also professional abit ma~

By spending around 4 hours there, every 1 is just exhausted and very very very hungry as we were told that our dinner is going to be very hoh liau~
So again, while sitting and rest of course this thought comes again. CAMWHORE!!!
The famous trademark that we intend to do whenever we are. By trying to act cute learn from the cutes of course the sign if 1, 2 and 5..

Our post no.2 shot with every 1 trying to be cute and chweet~

and 3rd shot is the 5...........

Last shot is own made by just pointing at anyone and laugh out loud~~~ and all the ppl around there suddenly stop talking like got a shock and stare at us for a moment.

The restaurant there is just so nice to sit down and chill to have a cup of warm coffee with the perfect cold weather up there by just wearing a t-shirt and scarf by overlooking the view of Hong Kong.

The worst part of all is, even to get back down, and have to queue so bloody long. So we were queuing sitting cuz totally lazy to stand already. Were sitting down, gossip about how ppl look and there is 1 lady actually looks like just came out from the Madame Tussauds showroom. Her skin is dark choclate tone, face is so fake looks like wax and don stand a chance to take her pic.
The best part of all, in my entire life, I have never enter the most scariest ghost house which is inside in Madame Tussauds right beside Andy Lau’s place. All 8 of us that played, came out some leg trembling, some face look very pale, my heart beat is very fast, some want to vomit. If you do get a chance to visit this…please do not miss the Ghost House. It is exciting!!!!! The entrance look like a jail area.
Cant wait for the dinner~
I will hav a short break in blogging. Will add u in facebook once I back. Enjoy ur life n_n